IQRA Journal of Business & Management – IQRA Journal of Business & Management




The journal does not charge any fee for publications to the authors. The articles published are also freely available to the readers without any charges. However, if anyone wishes to give any amount as donation so please contact the editor.

Guidelines for Authors


The journal only accepts English language manuscripts. The manuscript should be typewritten, having 1.5 line spacing and normal font of Times New Roman with font size of 12. Text within tables may be reduced to size 9 as per the convenience. The margins should be set as 1 inch on all four sides. The author’s details should include full name, designation, email, phone number, and institutional affiliations. Table and figure should be included within- text at their suitable place.

Length of Manuscript

The length of any type of manuscript (qualitative, quantitative, review, case study, etc.) is between 4000 words to 6000 words including main body of article, references, tables, appendix, and so on. Maximum length for Abstract is 250 words.

Title Page

The title page should start with details about Authors and also include the Abstract. The author name should be written under the title, in Times New Roman form, 12 size, bold, and centralized. The institutional affiliations, and contact details should also appear under each author name in Times News Roman, 12 size, normal and centralized. Abstract heading is Times New Roman, 12 Size, Bold and Centralized. Abstract text should be written in Times New Roman, 11 size, single line spacing and Italic. Main text of the article should be written in Times New Roman, 12 size, and 1.5 line spacing fully justified.

Heading Scheme

Title: All caps, Times New Roman, 16 Size, 1.5 Line Spacing, Bold and Centralized.

Author Names: Times New Roman, 12 Size, Bold and Centralized

Author institutional affiliations and contact details: Times New Roman, 12 Size, normal, and centralized

Abstract: Abstract Heading as Times New Roman, 12 Size, Bold and Centralized

Main Headings-Level 1: Times New Roman, 14 size, upper cap, 1.5 Line Spacing, Bold and Centralized.

Sub Headings-Level 2: Times New Roman, 12 size, 1.5 Line Spacing, Bold and Flush Left

Sub Headings Level – Level 3: Times New Roman, 12 Size, 1.5 Line Spacing, Italic and ends with period (;)

Table Headings: As per APA 6th Style Edition i.e. Only top and bottom border, border under the main  row heading, Table number in normal form and table title in Italic form. See example below. Table heading size is 11.

Figure Headings: Figure headings should be given under the figure, having Times New Roman 10 size, 1 line spacing, centralized, Blue color font.

Table 1: Gender of Participants



All in-text references and full references should be set as per APA 6th Edition style referencing. In text-references should follow author, year style according to the sentence formulation. E.g.  Dessler (2012) or (Dessler, 2012), or for multiple authors (Amarathunga, Baldry, Sarshar, and Newton, 2002). Author with more than 2 names should include all surnames first time and later with et al., e.g. (Amarathunga, et al., 2002).

Full reference for Article with single author

Amer, K. (2005). Manager-physician relationships: An organizational theory perspective. The Health Care Manager, 24(2), 165-181.

Full reference for Article with multiple authors

Amaratunga, D., Baldry, D., Sarshar, M., & Newton, R. (2002). Quantitative and qualitative research in the built environment: application of mixed research approach. Work study, 51(1), 17-31.

Book with single author

Asika, N. (2005). Research methodology in behavioral sciences: Lagos: Longman Publishing.

 Book with multiple authors

Creswell, J.W., & Junior, M. (2012). Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Bright, D. (2011). Leadership for quality improvement in primary care groups (doctoral thesis), The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University, USA.

Chapter in Edited Book

Watson, D., & Clark, L.A. (1997). Extraversion and its positive emotional core. In R. Hogan & J.A. Johnson (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 446-496). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Conference Proceedings

Albertsen, K., Wiegman, I., Limborg, H., Thornfeldt, C., & Bjorner, J. (2014). Quality of everyday rehabilitation in home care: a question of relational coordination? Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Organization Design and Management (pp.499-506). Nordic Ergonomics Society Annual Conference. Retrieved from

Note: For other types of references, use APA 6th edition style as your main guide.


The publication procedure is as under.

  1. Author wishes to make submissions will send the article through the editor’s email
  2. The managing editor will acknowledge the receipt of the article within 3 working days.
  3. The editor will make initial desk review and if pass, the article will be submitted to the suitable reviewers.
  4. Once editorial team receives the review from the reviewer, the editorial team will make final decision regarding acceptance/rejection/changes related to the manuscript.
  5. The decision will be communicated to the author through his corresponding email.
  6. In case any changes are required in the article, the authors must have to incorporate those changes to get the article published in the corresponding issues.

All submissions will be made through the identify journal email. The submissions should include the main manuscript accompanied by a brief cover letter.


Submission Checklist

Please use the following checklist as self-guide before final submission.

ChecklistPlace * if done
Your manuscript is unpublished 
Your manuscript is not considered for publication somewhere else 
Your manuscript is not plagiarized (less than 18% on Turnitin similarity index) 
Abstract is included 
Minimum and maximum word requirements fulfilled (4000 to 6000) 
It include necessary tables and figures 
It include complete list of references/bibliography 
All in-text references follows the APA 6th edition style 
All references follows the APA 6th edition style 
Formatting requirements are fulfilled 
Page margin 1 inch on all four sides 
All text is in Times New Roman and size 12 
Headings and sub-heading are as per the required format 
Abstract text is as per the required format 
Tables formatting is as per the required format 
Figures formatting is as per the required format 
 You have provided the complete name, affiliations, address, and contact details of all the authors 
You sending it through email address provided